source: github
Rating curve defines the relationship between the depth and flow. It is often used to define the boundary condition of an outfall,
- Flow into a treatment plant
- Split a model into sub models, and model the flow condition at the split locations
In InfoWorks ICM, the easiest way to add a rating curve to an outfall is to convert it to a screw pump.
- Make a copy of the outfall
- Change the existing outfall to a break node
- Add a pump link
- Change it to screw pump and set the on/off base level the same as the break node
- Update the head discharge table with the rating curve
Example Model
A simple model with rectangle outfall pipe is modeled in both InfoWorks and SWMM5.
The results are shown as a scatter plot of depth vs velocity as shown in the following figures,
- Orange is the normal depth calculated from Manning’s equation
- Green is critical depth calculated from the flow
- X is simulated results from the model
For free outfall, InfoWorks ICM and SWMM5 show similar results, it is the lower of the Yn and Yc.
Since InfoWorks doesn’t have a normal outfall condition, a screw pump with a rating curve is used, and it shows similar results as SWMM5.